Tag: 流氓
add ssl wrong
When you add ssl to site, It say wrong: UP~By tools,It is ok. But //////// How can i check? Because you have a wrong ssl old site ,you didn’t use. So del it and reboot. But///////// Go into the dir /usr/local/gninx/conf/ssl rename the www.xxxxxxxx.com_ecc del _ecc And lnmp restart. OK~
zhongwen txt change
lnmp install two php
Do good job. If you want to have two php in lnmp,You can do next. cd root/lnmp1.9 ./install.sh mphp select you like php It is ok.
OP One-click installation system
wget -qO- bench.sh | bash 1.Go into RESCUE MODE,select ubuntu2.set root passwd sudo passwd root3.Go into root style: sudo -s -H4.DD startwget -O- –no-check-certificate http://down.80host.com/iso/dd/Win2012R2ZW.gz |gunzip|dd of=/dev/sda wget -O- –no-check-certificate http://down.80host.com/iso/dd/win2k3.gz |gunzip|dd of=/dev/sda system password AdministratorLaiboke.com5.Change the startup mode to normal mode6.Restart the machine REMORE desk and log in the win. Change the password first…
WordPress One-click installation package
Hi.Do good job. Today I am share a script about wordpress. First of all,you may cd the domain’s directory Example cd /home/wwwroot/www.dogoodjob.com All ready.Go.
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